Sam Bahreini

Digital Marketer

Sam Bahreini is a serial entrepreneur and growth marketer, helping startups navigate from launch to scale. 

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Employee Experience & Recruiting

The 5 Touch Points When You Can Boost Retention Through Training

There are opportunities to improve employee engagement and make working for your company a win-win for the long term.

Growing a Business

Poor Employee Engagement Is the Biggest Retail Fail of 2015

Here's how to bounce back from it in 2016.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

4 Reasons You Should Gather Employee Feedback to Boost Your Marketing

Who knows best what's going on with your products or service? Hint: the people who work for you.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Employee Engagement Is More Important Than the Customer

Failure to engage your staff effectively is the first step down the bad-service rabbit hole.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

How Smart Companies Get Employees to Brag About the Business

Winning the engaged loyalty of employees is as easy as practicing the Golden Rule.

Growing a Business

Murphy's Law (Or Worse) Can Derail Your Business Pitch. Anticipate the Unexpected.

It's not always possible to bring a valued partner along to a presentation but it can better the odds at success.

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